Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children
8:00-9:00 Registration for Doctoral Consortium and Workshops Only
CERAS Second Floor Lobby
8:00-9:00 Coffee
CERAS First Floor Lobby
9:00-12:00 Doctoral Consortium
CERAS room 101
9:00-12:00 Workshops A/E: Interaction Design and Autistic Children / Equity & Inclusivity at IDC
CERAS room 107
9:00-1:00 Workshop B: Playing Together: The Importance of Joint Engagement in the Design of Technology for Children
CERAS room 102
9:00-12:00 Workshop F: Analyzing Children’s Contributions and Experiences in Co-design Activities: Synthesizing Productive Practices
CERAS room 527
9:00-12:00 Workshop D: Make2Learn with IoT: Engaging Children Into Joyful Design and Making of Interactive Connected Objects
CERAS room 435
12:00-1:00 Break
1:00-5:00 Doctoral Consortium, contd.
CERAS room 101
1:00-5:00 Workshops A/E, contd.: Interaction Design and Autistic Children / Equity & Inclusivity at IDC
CERAS room 107
1:00-5:00 Workshop F, contd.: Analyzing Children’s Contributions and Experiences in Co-design Activities: Synthesizing Productive Practices
CERAS room 527
1:00-5:00 Workshop D, contd.: Make2Learn with IoT: Engaging Children Into Joyful Design and Making
of Interactive Connected Objects
CERAS room 435
6:00 “Mix and Mingle” Small Group Dinners (open to all conference registrants, cost is not included in conference registration)
Meet directly at local restaurants. Information here.
All events are in Paul Brest Hall unless otherwise noted
(7:15 Running, Front of Paul Brest Hall; 7:30 Yoga, Canfield Court; Info here.)
8:00–9:00 Registration
9:00–10:00 Keynote: Andy DiSessa
“What If Your Project’s Timeline is 100 Years?: Reflections on Computational Literacies”
10:00–10:15 Short Coffee Break
10:15–11:30 Special panel: Logo, 50 Years
Chairs: Jeanne Bamberger, Mike Eisenberg, and Richard Noss
Panelists: Yasmin Kafai, Andy diSessa
Chairs: Benjamin Shapiro and Arnan Sipitakiat
11:45–12:15 Demo Madness
12:15–1:30 Lunch
12:45–1:30 Demos
CERAS First and Second Floor Lobbies
1:30–2:45 Full Papers: Research Concepts & Participatory Design
Chair: Tammy Clegg
- 164. Intermediate-Level Knowledge in Child-Computer Interaction: A Call for Action
- 173. Abandoned but Not Forgotten: Providing Access While Protecting Foster Youth from Online Risks
- 174. Child as Protagonist: Expanding the Role of Children in Participatory Design
- 180. Blending Methods: Developing Participatory Design Sessions for Autistic Children
2:45–3:45 Learning Sciences and IDC Panel,
Chairs: Michelle Wilkerson and Yasmin Kafai
Panelists: Tamara Clegg, Betsy DiSalvo, Janet Kolodner, Jason Yip
3:45–4:15 Coffee Break
4:15–5:45 Full Papers: Learning and (Parental) Engagement
Chair: Lisa Anthony
- 297. The Haptic Bridge: Towards a Theory of Haptic-Supported Learning
- 168. Not my Gumdrop Buttons! Youth Tool Use in Designing an Electronic Shrek-themed Bean Bag Toss
- 275. Design Guidelines for Parent-School Technologies to Support the Ecology of Parental Engagement
- 287. Plan & Play: Supporting Intentional Media Use in Early Childhood
- 154. Investigating the Effects of Interactive Features for Preschool Television Programming
6:00–8:00 Networking Social
Paul Brest Hall Courtyard and Wilbur Field
6:00 and 7:00 Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics Tours (Limited Capacity)
Depart from Paul Brest Hall lobby
All events are in Paul Brest Hall unless otherwise noted
(7:15 Running, Front of Paul Brest Hall; 7:30 Yoga, Canfield Court; Info here.)
8:00–9:00 Registration
9:00–10:00 Keynote: Alissa Antle
“Crazy Like Us: Design for Vulnerable Populations”
10:15–11:45 Full Papers: Health, Wellness, and Development
Chair: Narcis Pares
- 226. Identifying Patterns: Technologies for Improving Children’s Well-Being Connected to Overweight Issue
- 241. Bicultural: Examining Teenage Latinas’ Perspectives on Technologies for Emotional Support
- 126. Virtual Reality MRI: Playful Reduction of Children’s Anxiety in MRI Exams
- 258. Sex Talk: Designing for Sexual Health with Adolescents
- 159. SPRING: Customizable, Motivation-Driven Technology for Children with Autism or Neurodevelopmental Differences
11:45–12:15 Work in Progress/Late Breaking MADNESS (TRACK A)
12:15–1:30 Lunch
12:45–1:30 POSTERS: Work in Progress/Late Breaking POSTERS (TRACK A)
1:30–2:45 “Industry and IDC Panel”
Chairs: Mindy Brooks (Google) and Jeremy Roschelle (SRI).
Panelists: Jillian Orr (WGBH), Naomi Hupert (EDC), Abby Jenkins (PBS), Carol-Lynn Parente (Street Cred Media), Jessie Hopkins (Google), Phil Vahey (SRI)
2:45–4:00 Full Papers: Coding and Computational Thinking
Chair: Mike Horn
- 182. From Smart Homes to Smart Kids: Design Research for CataKit
- 230. Using Eye-Tracking to Unveil Differences Between Kids and Teens in Coding Activities
- 132. Between a Block and a Typeface: Designing and Evaluating Hybrid Programming Environments
- 247. Tangible and Shared Storytelling: Searching for the Social Dimension of Constructionism
4:00–4:30 Coffee Break
4:30–6:00 Notes A: Mixed Reality and Tangibles
Paul Brest Hall
4:30–6:00 Notes B: Interactions in Virtual Environments
4:30–6:00 Notes C: Makers, Making and Participatory Design
6:30–6:45 Buses Leave for Computer History Museum
Paul Brest Hall pick up location: Intersection of O’Conner Lane and Nathan Abbott Way
7:00 Hors D’Oeuvres and Exhibit Viewing
Computer History Museum: 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA
9:00, 9:30, 10:00 Buses Leave Museum for Return Trip to Stanford Campus
All events are in Paul Brest Hall unless otherwise noted
(7:30 Yoga, Canfield Court; Info here.)
8:00–9:00 Registration
9:00–10:00 Keynote: Josh Miele
“Teaching Teachers and Making Makers: What the Maker Movement Can Teach the World About Accessibility and Design”
10:00–10:15 Short Coffee Break
10:15–11:30 Full Papers: Peer & Robot Interactions
Chair: Matthew Berland
- 131. Sociable Collaborative Storytelling with Children: A Feasibility Study
- 282. Classification of Children’s Handwriting Errors for the Design of an Educational Co-Writer Robotic Peer
- 212. Designing for Parasocial Relationships and Learning: Linear Video, Interactive Media, and Artificial Intelligence
- 181. Persistent Memory in Repeated Child-Robot Conversations
12:00–1:30 Lunch
1:30–2:30 Full Papers: Literacy and Mixed Learning Environments
Chair: Chris Frauenberger
- 166. SpeechBlocks: A Constructionist Early Literacy App
- 175. The Sound Labyrinth: Computers, Constructionism and Language Heritage
- 189. Agency, Embodiment, & Affect During Sociodramatic Play in Mixed-Reality Learning Environment
2:30–3:00 Closing Words
Dor Abrahamson and Paulo Blikstein, Chairs
3:00, 4:00, 5:00 Stanford Computer Human Interaction Group Tours and Demos (Limited Capacity)
Depart from Paul Brest Hall Lobby
Full Papers Notes Work in Progress/Late Breaking Demos Workshops
“We recognize and hugely appreciate the effort you’re all putting in to be here and present your work. In the interest of fairness, we want to make absolutely sure that any work accepted to the IDC 2017 proceedings is actually presented at the conference. Thus, we will follow the ACM conference guidelines and our official policy is that, barring very special cases that will be judged individually, at least one of the authors of your work has to actually be physically at the conference and present the work in person. Otherwise, according to ACM procedure, the work will be revoked from the proceedings. To be clear — it is not enough to register for the conference, you must present the work so as to get into the proceedings.”