As a researcher, Naomi Hupert has worked at the intersection of technology, literacy, and STEM for over 20 years, focusing on the use of technology as a tool to support learning for children and the adults who work with them. While her aim is to provide all students with engaging and challenging academic instruction, her emphasis is on improving outcomes for students who struggle to meet grade-level academic benchmarks. Whether this struggle is due to inadequate access to quality instruction or to learning and other disabilities, Hupert’s work explores how digital resources engage and support this student population and their families.
The result of Hupert’s research has led to a better understanding of the impact of transmedia learning experiences and how teachers’ and students’ effective use of digital tools can support learning across content areas. Her work is characterized by the development and implementation of rigorous formative and summative program evaluations, which provide usable, real-time information to program developers and educators.
Hupert holds an MS in education, with a specialization in literacy and language-related learning disabilities, from Bank Street College of Education.