29 Jun 2017
10:15 am-11:45 am
Stanford Campus
Full Papers: Health, Wellness, and Development
(15 min per paper, all questions at the end of the session)
- 226 Identifying Patterns: Technologies for Improving Children’s Well-being Connected to Overweight Issue
- Marikken Hoiseth, Department of Design, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
- Maarten Van Mechelen, Meaningful Interactions Lab (mintlab), KU Leuven – imec, Belgium
- 241 Bicultural: Examining Teenage Latinas’ Perspectives on Technologies for Emotional Support
- Ralph Vacca, Educational Communication and Technology, New York University
- 126 Virtual Reality MRI: Playful Reduction of Children’s Anxiety in MRI Exams
- Stefan Liszio, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Maic Masuch, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- 258 Sex Talk: Designing for Sexual Health with Adolescents
- Matthew Wood, Open Lab, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
- Gavin Wood, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
- Madeline Balaam, Open Lab, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
- 159 SPRING: Customizable, Motivation-Driven Technology for Children with Autism or Neurodevelopmental Differences
- Kristina T. Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Rosalind W. Picard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology